Flora, Celebrating Our Botanical World


Author(s): Carlos Lehnebach (Editor); Claire Regnault (Editor); Rebecca Rice (Editor); Isaac Te Awa (Editor); Rachel Yates (Editor)


This big, glorious big book mines Te Papa's collections to explore and expand uponthe way we think about our botanical world and its cultural imprint. A true treasure,it features over 400 selections by an expert, cross-disciplinary museum curatorialteam that range from botanical specimens and art to photography, furniture,jewellery, tivaevae, applied art, textiles, stamps and more.Flora's twelve essays provide a deeper contextual understanding of different topics,including the unique characteristics of New Zealand flora as well as how artistsand cultures have used flora as a motif and a subject over time. Elegant, expert andengrossing.



General Information

  •  : 9781991150912
  •  : Te Papa Press
  •  : Te Papa Press
  •  : November 2023
  •  : books

Other Specifications

  •  : Carlos Lehnebach (Editor); Claire Regnault (Editor); Rebecca Rice (Editor); Isaac Te Awa (Editor); Rachel Yates (Editor)
  •  : Hardback
  •  : English
  •  : 452
SKU: 9781991150912